Friday, September 22, 2017

How about those Emmy speeches?

Okay, I'll admit.  It was thrilling to see Lily and Jane glamming it up on live TV so soon after seeing them in person.  But I digress.

Watching live award shows is fun for me.  It's always interesting to see how people use their minute on stage to accept an award.  Some award recipients are overcome with emotion to the point that they can barely speak coherently.  Others appear well prepared and even have note cards at the ready.  It makes for interesting television. 

This analysis focuses on the time allotment for the various award winners and even has links to all the speeches.  The article breaks down the acceptance speeches by their length, noting that some winners were allowed more time than others.  You can take a look at the speeches and pick your favorites. 

It should come as no surprise that some award winners are allowed more time than others.  Advertising dollars are on the line and there are schedules to keep.  Someone has to decide how much time someone will have and while that will depend on a variety of factors, the speaker's abilities and their message will have an impact on the decision.  Not to mention their outfit, notoriety, career status, and even age.

The right mix of preparedness, shocked delight, spontaneity, seriousness and entertainment is needed to hit an acceptance speech out of the park.  Add in nerves, high heels, bright lights, live television, a little alcohol, and you'll never know what you'll see.

The best advice for acceptance speeches?  Prepare your main point or sentiment in advance, even if you think your chances of winning are slim.  But don't over prepare: allow for some spontaneity.  And above all, be yourself. 

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