Friday, September 15, 2017

But how will I become a more confident in public speaking?

If this blog post is where you expect to find the magic bullet, well then, you'll be disappointed to find that there is no magic bullet.

Becoming a more comfortable and confident public speaker is not something you can do by reading an article or by watching TED talks.  It takes practice.  And that means seeking out those opportunities.

Where can you find these opportunities?  How about the next conference you plan on attending?  Are they looking for speakers? 

How about joining a local Toastmasters group?

How about leading an information session or in-service for newer colleagues in your organization?

Seeking out these less threatening opportunities to hone your public speaking skills will build your confidence and allow you to practice a variety of public speaking techniques.  This means that the next time you HAVE to give a presentation (to your bosses, big clients, etc), you will have more experience from which to draw.

Don't just look for opportunities to give presentations.  Tell people that you are willing and able to present to their organizations, work groups, clubs, or societies.  Being open and willing to present to others and then actually doing it?  Now THAT's a magic bullet to improving your public speaking abilities.

Make sure your next conference doesn't just include networking - like the conference attendees pictured here in balmy Seville, Spain -  but also a chance for you to take the stage.

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