Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hark! Who Goes There?

If you're a regular Brady Bunch viewer, you remember the episode when Marcia got the part of Juliet in the school play, Romeo and Juliet.  The real stars of that episode were Jan and Peter.  They were excited to have bit parts as guards.  Their big line was "Hark!  Who goes there?"

There was one scene when Jan and Peter were struggling with how to deliver their line.  They didn't know which word to emphasize and so they rehearsed with a variety of ways, over zealously emphasizing a different word each time.  I know what you're thinking: "Oh those cornball Brady kids!"

But there's nothing corny about taking the time to experiment with the right way to deliver a line.  Especially if it's a pivotal or important part of your message.  Jan and Peter played around with which word to emphasize by means of saying it LOUDLY.  Or, as I like to say LOUD AND PROUD.  It's a simple way to emphasize a part of your message.  You don't want to overdo it, but if there's a word or phrase you don't want your audience to miss, it's a simple way to add emphasis.

And the only way to know for sure how it will sound is to rehearse it.  Out loud.  Try it a few different ways.  As Jan and Peter did.  You may feel silly but you'll appreciate the rehearsal once you realize that all variations are not created equal.  It will sound better one particular way.  You'll only know if you give a few options a try.

So how did Jan and Peter do on opening night?  Not so well.  One of them belted out "Who goes there?" before the other one could say "Hark!"  And this time, you're right by thinking, "Oh those cornball Brady kids!"

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